Understanding customer behaviour for risk detection
Use data and AI to predict consumer behaviour and reduce risks of fraud, claim en churn
Our most popular use case is the transformation of underwriting. We help you in small steps to advance from traditional underwriting into continuous underwriting with richer, dynamic data and innovative analytics. We’ve successfully executed this in banking resulting in significant improvements.
To reduce customer churn we provide churn prediction models. Based on customer’s behaviour the insurer will get insights on the likelihood of churn. Preventive actions such as special offers and targeted services will help to promote retention and save costs and increase margins.
Ready API’s for seamless, automated (near) real time data collection for customer insights and prediction of behaviour. Whatever data source is needed AdviceRobo will collect, clean and apply the data for respective predictions and insights. AdviceRobo’s proprietary data such as Psychometric and digital footprint data can also be used.
Our cloud-based platform, connected via API, collects data derived from customers behaviour during onboarding and during their lifetime cycle. We run prefab champion models, build and deploy marketing and risk models, and provide scores and profiles for application within your marketing and risk strategies. Also you can build and deploy your own models, including the use of synthetic data to solve asymmetry.